Tuesday, November 29, 2011



Delegates arrive early. The war may be cold, but the talks are hot. From the beginning the energy is high.

Russia in talks with Turkey to the South and Germany to the West. Can we all work together?

France and Germany talk tactics on the big map, while a neutral observer watches on. Neutral observer or spy . . .

Turkey scowers their orders. Austria-Hungary plots on with his plans . . . they must be building in some territory known as District 9.

The hand of France playing at the pull strings of Europe? The Tsar and Sultan watch with skepticism.

The President of France points to the North, points to the South. France is here to help.


The orders are read out and everyone is on the edge of suspense. Boarders are crossed and the beginning of the Great War starts. England advances in on Russia but swift thinking by the Tsar blocks their advance. Russia seeks peace with Germany and the fatherland by moving from the border while clashing with German troops in Sweden. But Russia's borders might be threatened as Austria-Hungary moves North. Turkey plays it safe with supports, and Italy retracts within her borders. France shuffles internally but travels from their new Belgian colony to Holland to prevent a British foothold on the main continent.


Germany and Russia enter negotiations over the hotly contested zone of Sweden. Both claim it as their sphere of influence, but only stalemate is the foreseeable outcome.

Meanwhile, back at the main map, England, France and Austria-Hungary are busy talking.

The Emperor mulls over his options. Is that an adviser, an observer or a spy with him?

England and France are neighbours. Peace exists between the two and neutral zones are still observed, but are relations warm and fuzzy, or icy and cold?

Germany might have a bold strategy in mind for England and Russia. Friends and enemies are still not clear. Only the blood on the battlefield will soon reveal all.

Turkey listens to the advice of France. Will Turkey listen?

This looks tense. And it looks as though the Minister-President from Austria-Hungary is back.

France has been busy advising Europe and takes a moment to reflect and take in the situation.

Italian leadership arrives and writes orders on the sidelines. Her strategy may seem meek, but non-confrontational moves have kept her safe - others are not threatened and happy to have her as a safe buffer.

It is intense. Power after power negotiate as the time ticks down until Fall 1902. Not only are the powers here, but crowds form to watch battle take place.

Prepare for battle!


While on the surface it seems like little happened, it's the subtle moves that speak volumes. In the West, France continues expansion without attacking anyone. Italy too grows by colonizing the tip of Africa. England continues to strike at Russia but the Bear keeps blocking the Bulldog. Things remain the same for Germany and Russia in Sweden,  but Germany shocks all with her move into Austria-Hungary's borders and Russia moves back into German borders. Meanwhile, Austria-Hungary saves their Greek territory from Turkey, but fails to wipe out Russia's presence in Romania.  Russia is now fighting off England to the North, Germany in the West, and Austria-Hungary in the South. Things just got interesting.

Winter 1902 shows the fallout of nations. Many are not happy, but they all live to fight another day.

Negotiations continue long into the Winter to decide what 1903 will bring. To leave the table early is to not be a part of the conversation for the future of Europe . . . or are plots going on behind other closed doors?

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