Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A new War Room. A new war. How will things work out in this timeline?  Negotiations have been furious even before war has been declared. Can the peace be kept?

The veterns arrive first. They both agree that something will not happen . . .

The Kaiser contemplates his German state.

The Czar is determined to keep his realm and his people safe from the aggressions of Europe.

The map on high.

Russia speaks with a neutral observor from Venezuela. The outcome of this potential war could affect the rest of the world.

Italy writes his orders in secret. Will Italy be reckless and wild, or will it stay cool and cautious?

The powers quickly invade the smaller states. Bulgaria falls to Turkey, Serbia and Albania to Austria-Hungary. France moves into Spain, while Germany tramples Denmark. Russia enters the borders of Austria-Hungary while the empire moves south.

Spring brings the powers to the map to observed what has happened. Madness. Madness I say.

Russia laughs overlooking Germany and France. Meanwhile, Turkey and Austria-Hungary try to repair nerves over aggressive moves in the Balkans.

Germany explains it's position to Italy, France and England. Can Western Europe come to terms, or are they doomed to war?

France laughs at the opposition of England and France. Russia and Venezuela watch on.

England and France negotiate in private. An alliance between these two could be dangerous. Is France under the thumb of England as some have suggested?

Italy and A-H talk over the crisis in the Medeteranean. What will happen next, and to whom?

France explains his plans for hegemony on the continent to Germany.

Russia and England must discuss the terms of the North. Winter is coming. Meanwhile, observor from a far off land looks on.

Turkey looks to advice from Venezuela. In the distance, France and Germany continue to talk while Italy and A-H listen in.

Austria-Hungary keeps her orders very secret with Germany and Russia behind.

FALL 1901

Has war begun? France takes Belgium to England's shegrin. England invades Norway and expands to Russia's North. Russia claims Romania, but is stopped/stops Germany in Swedon. Austria-Hungary claims Greece from Turkey, who seems to be penned in with Italy's help. Italian troops convoy to Africa and Tunis flies the green white and red flag.

All that can be taken has been. Now, there is only the great powers. No formal declarations have been made, but the eve of war is here. Everyone can feel it. 1902 shall prove interesting . . .

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