The winter has been long. The game is changed. England signed an accord with France.England is Dead. Scotland rises with their new French Masters.
The Queen of England stands with Turkey and Germany - but can she even negotiate without the French?
With the former British Prime Minister away (mysteriously . . . in a French jail perhaps? Political prisoner?) an emergency 'acting' PM steps in with the Queen.
The new treaty has created quite the stir amongst the other nations.
Russia listens to England/Scotland. Pleas are ignored as Russia must do their things. Overheard Russia talking to the Queen: "Hey, I'm sorry ... but blame Paul ... I don't want to be the bad guy here" followed by "if you guys had defended your country better . . ." Salt in the wounds. I believe any friendship between these nations are over.
Russia laughs - at the board? At negotiations? At the plights of Austria-Hungary or England?
The time is ticking down for orders. Scramble to get commands to the troops.
Declaration of war comes not from diplomats but the barrel of the gun. Russia boldly strikes against France and prevents the French protectorate from Norway. Germany and France both mobilize along their borders. Germany delves deep into Italy while reassuring the Fatherland's grip on Austria-Hungary, who's capital is invaded by Russia. Turkey moves troops into Romania, forcing a Russian fleet to disband (the end of the Turkish-Russian alliance?). In the south, Italy and Turkey fight for control of the Aegean sea . . . with no one successfully occupying these waters.
Shocking moves! The map is full of the blood of nations. What will happen next?
Turkey scans the board . . . slow and steady is the Sultan's strategy.
Austria-Hungary in negotiations with France. A new protectorate for France?
It's quiet, and intense. So much rides on the moves of the Fall.
France and Scotland talk about their future Europe.
Austria-Hungary attempts desperate negotiations with Germany for help in the Balkans.
Italy shows up with a diplomat from India.
A new alliance? Turkey, Russia and Germany hold
A Brazilian diplomat takes a high perch to observe the situation in Europe.
A more civilized approach to diplomatic outreach. Austria-Hungary talks to France comfortably about the possibilities in the war after after the Emperor talked with Russia and Germany. In contrast, Germany was overheard after finding out about the Austria-Hungary/Russian/French talks: "if those bastards ... I'm going to kill them."

Orders are read out by the Games Master - Europe's leaders watch with baited breath.
Heated debate about the legitimacy of supports and cuts.
The President of France studies each move very carefully. Europe's strongest power has a lot at stake.
The Queen seems to be happy with the new relationship with France. Once seen as a defeat, this partnership looks now more like victory?
The war rages on. The Western Front takes shape as French troops attempt to cross into Germany but are repelled. But farther North, France successively helps her Scottish ally convoy into Denmark, cutting the German-Russian allies, but France still takes London, cementing their occupation of England. Russia wins Norway to complete their near-complete dominance of Scandinavia, and soars to be the second strongest power on the board. Italy helps Austria-Hungary into their own borders to ensure Germany is denied Venice with French support. Turkey and Italy clash once again over the Aegean in what is clearly a stalemate between both.
The leaders look on. There is much to plan for for 1907.
1906 was epic. Large battles were fought all across Europe. Tactics and friendships questioned. No one knows for sure who will come come out victorious above all, but it is clear, it will be done with blood and iron.
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